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发布日期:2025-01-03 16:55    点击次数:89

《牛津阅读树》系列阅读书籍是由牛津大学出版社出版的儿童分级阅读材料,在英国家喻户晓,也是小学使用最多的阅读材料之一。《牛津阅读树》系列最大的特点就是它的连贯性。读这些书就像看一部精彩的电视剧,看了一集又一集,总是放不下,必须看完才肯罢休,就是咱们常说的爱不释手。这些书里的故事非常贴近生活,有的时候就像是讲述自己的一次旅游经历。然而,这些故事又不局限于日常生活琐事,会掺入想象的成分,于是就有了一系列的魔法钥匙(magic key)引发的幻想故事(时光穿梭)。更令人百读不厌的还有一个原因:即使是幻想故事也会给孩子们很多启迪,同时也能学到很多历史知识(譬如英国的维多利亚时代人的生活和历史背景等)、了解诗歌体裁、以及很多的考古知识等等。牛津阅读树系列就像一家人在给大家讲故事,这一家人就是贯穿整个系列书的主人公 Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum, 和 Dad,同时也不能忘记他们的那条可爱的小狗 Floppy。牛津阅读树 里的故事就是围绕着他们一家人和他们的朋友们展开的,介绍他们生活活动的方方面面:去游泳、去沙滩、堆雪人、小朋友一起玩各种游戏等等。 《牛津阅读树》与绘本有什么区别?孩子英语阅读启蒙,绘本和分级读物怎么选择? 英语原版读物有两大类型:绘本与分级读物。 绘本,简单来说是指以图片来讲故事的书,具有非常强的故事性和趣味性,而且图片的比例远远大于文字的比例; 而《牛津阅读树》 属于分级读物,分级读物是指读物呈阶梯式分布,在一个完整的阅读系统框架中促使ELL(English Language Learner)学生科学地提高阅读能力。 分级读物不仅具有很强的趣味性与故事性,而且根据其级别的不同,在文本难度、篇章长度、语言重复度、故事结构等方面都具有严谨与科学的级别划分,兼具趣味性与学习性;《牛津阅读树》是一套完整系统的分级阅读体系,不仅适用于课堂阅读教学,也能适用于孩子与大人一起亲子阅读,孩子自主阅读的读物。 在孩子的英语阅读启蒙阶段,英语读物的挑选应该考虑几个因素:促进语感与音素意识的培养,具有较强的趣味性以及文字的重复率与可解码度为首要考虑。分级读物对比绘本,在音素意识的培养、语言的可解码度、文字的重复率等方面都有着明显的优势,比较建议使用分级读物作为孩子的阅读启蒙读物。 本资源是《牛津阅读树》Oxford Reading Tree系列1-16级的绘本共323册PDF+音频mp3,高清彩页,可打印,无论是作为分级阅读还是绘本,都是非常不错的启蒙读物。 目录: 1. Fetch 2. The Big Box 3. The Haircut 4. The Hedgehog 5. The Library 6. The Little Red Hen 7. The Lost Teddy 8. Floppy’s Fun Phonics 9. Floppy Did This 10. floppy_floppy 11. fun at the beach 12. good  trick 13. six in a bed 14. The pancake 15. who is it 16. Where_is_Baby 17. Top_Dog 18. Tigers Family 19. The Big Carrot 20. My_Dad 21. Mix,mix,mix 22. Kipper’s Dairy 23. Is Dad in Here 24. Hello_Grandma 25. Family_Poems 26. Ducks 27. Clothes_for_the_Rain 28. Cats 29. Can You See Me 30. Big Feet 31. big bad bug 32. A Home for Ted 33. at the park 34. Fancy dress 35. Go away Floppy 36. good dog 37. good old mum 38. Hide and seek 39. Look at me 40. push 41. reds and blues 42. see me skip 43. the headache 44. the ice cream 45. the mud pie 46. the pet shop 47. what a din 48. A Dog’s Day 49. Ant and the Baby 50. Diggers 51. Dont_Jump_on_the_Bed_Fred 52. Jack 53. My Cat Moggy 54. Paco’s Pet 55. Quiz 56. Rabbit on the Run 57. Spots 58. The King and His Wish 59. The Ox and the Yak 60. The Snowman 61. The Toys Party 62. The Wobbly Tooth 63. Tortoise_Tortoise 64. What_is_it 65. a_new_dog 66. a_present_for_mum 67. A_Sinking_Feeling 68. Creepy-Crawly 69. Hey_Presto 70. in_a_bit 71. It__s_the_Weather 72. monkey_tricks 73. Naughty_Children 74. new_trainers 75. poor_floppy 76. put_it_back 77. the_big_egg 78. the_dream 79. the_go-kart 80. the_hole_in_the_sand 81. what_a_bad_dog 82. Chicken Licken 83. Leek Hotpot 84. Melting_Snow 85. Patterns 86. Presents_for_Baby 87. Ron Rabbit’s big day 88. Silver Foil Rocket 89. Stop Pot,Stop! 90. Super Dad 91. The Birthday Cake 92. The Ice Rink 93. The Rainy Day 94. The Sing Song 95. The Singing Bird 96. The Snowman 97. The web 98. Toads in the Road 99. What’s the weather like today 100. a_cat_in_the_tree 101. by_the_stream 102. nobody_wanted_to_play 103. on_the_sand 104. pond_dipping 105. sniff 106. the_dolphin_pool 107. the_duck_race 108. the_mud_bath 109. the_rope_swing 110. the_steel_band 111. An Old Red Hat 112. Ballet 113. Bug Hunt 114. Crunch 115. Dragon Danger 116. Dragon Training 117. Everyone Got Wet 118. Little Mouse Deer and the Crocodile 119. No Tricks Gran 120. Number Poems 121. Painting the Loft 122. Queen Anneena’s Feast 123. Stuck in the Mud 124. The Moon Jet 125. The Play Park 126. The Race 127. The Scarf 128. The Tortoise and the Baboon 129. Tom,Dad and Colin 130. Zack and Zee 131. come_in 132. house_for_sale 133. swap 134. the_dragon_dance 135. the_flying_elephant 136. the_new_house 137. the_play 138. the_secret_room 139. the_storm 140. wet_paint 141. A Monster Mistake 142. Alf Saves the Day 143. Be Quiet! 144. Flying High 145. Husky Adventure 146. Julia_Donaldson 147. Kipper and the Trolls 148. Magic_Tricks 149. Pirate Adventure 150.Please Do Not Sneeze 151. Rowing Boats 152. Seasick 153. Stampede 154. Sue Kangaroo 155. The Chatterbox Turtle 156. The Gale 157. The Magic Paintbrush 158. The Noisy Day 159. The School Trip 160. Whats that Noise 161. castle_adventure 162. gran 163. the_dragon_tree 164. the_magic_key 165. village_in_the_snow 166. Alien Invasion 167. Batter_Splatter 168. Christmas Adventure 169. Go Away,Molly! 170. Grans New Blue Shoes 171. Hairy-Scary Monster 172. In the Garden 173. Land of the Dinosaurs 174. Max the Detective 175. Olympic Adventure 176. Olympic_Dreams 177. Paris Adventure 178. Paula the vet 179. Skyway Shock 180. Special_Days_Poems 181. The Frog Prince 182. The Laughing Princess 183. The_House_that_Jack_Built 184. The_Samosa_Thief 185. When Animals Invade 186. Wild_weather 187. kipper_and_the_giant 188. robin_hood 189. Animal Magic 190. Hero 191. Hide and Cheat 192. Jamie and the Chameleon 193. Red Planet 194. Rorys_Lost_His_Voice 195. Rumpelstiltskin 196. Sports then and now 197. Submarine Adventure 198. The Big Breakfast 199. The Bully 200. Things_that_Sting 201. Tiger’s Discovery 202. Toad_Swims_for_his_Life 203. lost_the_jungle 204. the_broken_roof 202- Mr Grim’s TOWER 205. Attack of the Centipede 206. Big_Liam_Little_Liam 207. Dinosaur Safari 208. Escape of the Giant Chicken 209. Finn MacCool and the Gaint’s Causeway 210. Flood! 211. Jess_and_the_Bean_Root 212. Minibeast_Poems 213. More_Little_Mouse_Deer_Tales 215. The Rainbow Machine 216. Viking Adventure 217. What Was It Like 218. Whats_inside_me 219. a_day_in_london 220. the_flying_carpet 221. thp_kidnappers 222. Against All Odds 223. Alex_Brychta 224. Alien_Swap 225. An_Adventure_for_Robodog 226. At_the_Top_of_the_World 227. Blackbeard’s Ship 228. Captain Comet and the Purple Planet 229. Cosmo_for_Captain 230. East of the Sun,West of the Moon 231. environmental disasters 232. Farmer_Skiboo_Stories 233. Green Island 234. Hot_Dog 235. Key Trouble 236. Nasty Nate’s Pirate Adventure 237. Ocean_Adventure 238. Oh,Otto! 239. Power Racers 240. Robots_Special_Day 241. Snow_Troll 242. Space_Poems 243. Storm Castle 244. The Flying Machine 245. The_Lazy_Giant 246. The_Sand_Witch 247. The_Snow_King 248. Training like an athlete 249. Treasure Hunt 250. Wolf Fables 251. survival_adventure 252. the_litter_queen 253. the_quest 254. Animal Tricksters 255. Castle_Poems 256. Clown School 257. Cornflake Coin 258. Disgusting Denzil 259. Erics_Talking_Ears 260. Jellyfish Shoes 261. Jungle Shorts 262. Making a book 263. Nelly the Monster Sitter 264. Sport is Fun! 265. The boss Dog of Blossom Street 266. The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om 267. The Selkie child 268. Tom the Whistling Wonder 269. Tom Thumb and the Football Team 270. Town Dog 271. Yummy Scrummy 272. dexter’s_dinosaurs 273. stupid_trousers 274. the_great_sfaghetti_suit 275. Brer_Rabbits_Trickbag 276. Clever_Monkey 277. Dick_Whittington 278. Fables from Africa 279. Man_on_the_Moon 280. MaryAnn_and_the_Cat_Baby 281. Pirate_Poems 282. Sports poems 283. Stinky Street 284. The Big Chance 285. The Wrong Letter 286. The_Huge_and_Horrible_Beast 287. The_Jam_Street_Puzzle 288. The_King_of_Football 289. Titanic_Survivor 290. Toffee_and_Marmalade 291. bertie_wiggins_amazing_ears 292. coming_clean 293. dangerous_trainers 294. Animal Conflicts 295. Cool Clive 296. Doohickey and the Robot (page34 missing) 297. Downhill Racers 298. Here Comes Trouble 299. How the World Began 300. My Friend Mandela 301. Round Up 302. The Super Skateplank 303. blackbeard 304. Journey to Mars 305. Robot Rampage 306. The Deep 307. The Personality Potion 308. waiting for goldie 309. why the sea is salty 310. air raid 311. Big Game Adventure 312. dragon tales 313. Exploring the Deep 314. grace the pirate 315. kelly the rescue dog 316. Team X 317. tomb raiders 318. Adrenalin Rush 319. Mythical_Beasts_and_Fabulous_Monsters 320. Storm Chasers 321. Ultimate Takeover 322. Sherlock_Holmes 322. Sherlock_Holmes 323. Tales_of_the_Underworld 323. Tales_of_the_Underworld 资源下载资源下载价格30元立即支付  或  升级VIP后免费升级VIP客服联系方式:   微信 lookoc    |    QQ 2943711249

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